Management Trainees @ Cement Corporation of India Ltd. (CCI)

CCI is looking for bright, result oriented, dynamic & energetic young Graduate Engineers and HR, Finance & Marketing professionals with brilliant academic record to join the organisation as MANAGEMENT TRAINEES in the following streams:

GEOLOGY & MINING - 03 nos.
FINANCE - 03 nos.
MARKETING - 01 no.
Full time Bachelor Degree in Engineering or Technology with not less than 60% marks taking average of all the Semesters/Years, irrespective of the weightage given to any particular semester/year by the Institute/University. Final year semester students who expect their result by 01.08.2011 may also apply, however, they have to obtain at least 60% marks in their engineering degree. A candidate with the prescribed educational qualification identified for the discipline as given below can only apply for the post of Management Trainee in the respective disciplines:

Age Limit The upper age limit for Engineering discipline is 28 years as on 01.05.2011 i.e. the candidates born before 1.5.1983 need not apply.
The upper age limit for Non-Engineering discipline is 30 years as on 01.05.2011 i.e. the candidates born before 1.5.1981 need not apply.
Selection Process
The eligible candidates will have to undergo an all India Selection Test which will be conducted at the designated cities to be notified later on. Based on merit and requirement, the list of successful candidates will be made available at CCI website and short listed candidates will have to appear for Group Discussion and Personal Interview before the Company’s Selection Board.

Candidates have to secure minimum qualifying marks fixed by the Company at its discretion in GD and interview.
Screening and selection will be based on the details provided, hence it is necessary that only accurate, full and correct information is furnished by the applicants. Furnishing of wrong/false information will be a disqualification and CCI will NOT be responsible for any consequence of furnishing of such wrong/false information.

The all India Selection Test shall be held at the centres in the designated cities in India on the same day. The Test will be in Hindi or English. Candidates will have to choose their medium for test at the time of applying for the post, which cannot be changed subsequently. The test will be in two parts. Part-I will consist of multiple-choice questions of the relevant discipline as advertised and Part-II will consist of multiple choice questions on Executive Aptitude, reasoning etc. The exact date of the test and venue shall be communicated to candidates through Admit Card and will also be available at CCI website

Period of Training
The period of training shall be 12 months which can be further extended at the discretion of the Corporation.
The selected candidates shall undergo one year training at various units/projects/offices of the Corporation. The final place of posting will be allocated after successful completion of training based on the performance and requirement at each location. The candidates will have All India service liability and no candidate shall bring or attempt to bring outside influence to bear upon any superior authority to further his/her interest in respect of matters pertaining to his/her service in the company. Such actions are construed as misconduct and shall be viewed very seriously by the Management and action will be initiated as per rules of the company.

Last date to apply: 16th May, 2011

For more details Click here

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